In-Office Appointments
Shorter wait times, longer visits. Well child checks or sick visits, as many as you need per month.
Well Child Checks
Routine growth and developmental screenings.
Growth and developmental assessments at recommended intervals
Routine guidance
Brief behavioral assessments
Answers to all your pediatric questions
Acute Care Visits
Whether its for cold symptoms, a sprained ankle, or just for reassurance, we are here for any sudden needs. Unlimited times per month. These are just a few of the reasons why you may want to come in:
Cold symptoms
Sleep difficulties
Behavioral concerns
Ear infections
Joint sprains
GI concerns
Asthma/allergy symptoms
Medication Refills
Weight checks
Lactation Consultation
Basic lactation questions and help during feeding, pre- and post-feed weights. We will address lactation needs at each newborn well check.
Additional lactation/weight check visits may be requested in-home for an additional fee.
Supervised feedings with troubleshooting
Assistance with latching/positioning
Weight gain assessments
Milk supply concerns
Prenatal Meet and Greet
Want to check us out and determine if we would be a good fit for your growing family? We would love to meet you and help you prepare for baby!